No Ka’ oi

EMOM 15 min

January 26, 2023

It is that time of the year IKALA fam bam the open is fast approaching, we encourage you to sign up and register to not only celebrate the last year of always showing up but also to see the progress you have made against all the other crossfitters around the world.

EMOM 15 min:

Min 1: 20 Thruster (95/65)

Min 2: 20 Toes to Bar

Min 3: 60 Double Under  

Min 4: 20 KB Swing (53/35)

Min 5: 20 Box Jump Over (24/20)

Optional Accessory Hip/Knee Health:

3 Rounds for Quality

5 Single Leg Hip Thrust/side

15 Lateral Leg Raise/side

5 Eccentric Seated Good Morning (:05 sec lowering w/ empty barbell)

-Rest as needed between rounds